Residential Treatment: Level II
Youth Transitioning Program: Level I Preparation for Transitional Living, Supported Housing, Scattered Site and Transition Coaching
Education: Options Pathways Educational Program
Socially Necessary Services
Our Services – Residential Services
Residential Services
Stepping Stones is a Level II/Level I Therapeutic Residential Program. Services are geared toward male youth ages 12 – 17 years old at intake that may have experienced a multiplicity of behavioral and/or emotional trauma. Youth must be able to function within a highly interactive Group Process Program.
Located in rural Wayne County, 166 acres provide for youth centered activities such as sports fields, a fishing pond and a rustic campsite. The Program’s Home serves up to 14 youth and the onsite Specialized Step Down Program for youth returning from out-of-state placement and/or PRTF may serve up to 4 additional youth.
The Program’s daily activity schedule is highly interactive and reflective of a sincere desire to make every moment a “teachable moment”. Stepping Stones will incorporate the Search Institutes 40 Developmental Assets throughout programming. The Program emphasizes four concurrent “steps” of Belonging, Generosity, Independence and Mastery. It is strongly believed that each progression has strengthened the reunification process for the youth with both his family and community. Each progression has also helped to normalize the treatment process and helped to make it more applicable (to real life situations) and understandable for the youth and active family.
Stepping Stones adheres to strong family-centered practice beliefs. The Agency values and supports family involvement at every point in the treatment milieu; involving families through flexible meeting schedules, transportation assistance when needed, linkage and referral, opportunities for weekly home visitation, STEP/Teen parent education classes, after-care planning, satisfaction surveys, asset building, strengthening of natural supports, etc. Instead of focusing on the family “dysfunction”, we identify our kids’ protective factors that build resiliency with both the kids and families.
The Program offers a full array of professional therapeutic services. Licensed Professional Counselors, Psychologists, Psychiatrist, RN, contracted MD are involved in treatment assessment, planning & evaluation; specially trained and degreed staff perform service delivery.
Intensive Therapeutic Services:
- Treatment Assessment & Planning
- Crisis Intervention
- Asset Development
- Safety & Relapse Planning
- Specialized Assessments
- Behavioral Modification
- Formal Individual Counseling
- Psychological Interview
- Formal Counseling Groups are available as indicated, groups may include: Substance Treatment, Family Process, Seeking Safety, Grief & Loss, Conflict Resolution & Violence Prevention, Trauma
Supportive Therapeutic Services:
- Intensive 3-Phase Life Skills Training
- Psycho-Educational Groups
- Character Development
- Aggression Replacement
- Cultural Diversity/Sensitivity
- Skills/Hobby Development
- Service Learning/Volunteer Activities
- Sex Education & Well-Being
- Study Skills Enhancement & Tutoring
- Peer Group Counseling